The Company has always invested in cutting-edge systems and processes to constantly search for quality, safety and manufacturing efficiency. The pursue of the above-mentioned strategy allows ICAP Leather Chem to make use of proven technologies and processes, which are developed over a complete range of systems, which can manufacture in efficient and safe conditions, in an environmentally friendly way.
Today, the manufacturing activity of the Company is fully performed at in-house level and offers the market with a complete range of high-quality products, such as acrylic and polyurethane resins, urethane-acrylic copolymers, lakes, protein-binding agents, pigments, oils, waxes, compounds, etc. A storage capacity exceeding 4500 tons distributed over the central warehouse and the branches also allows assuring a widespread and prompt delivery service.
Icap Leather Chem - produzione di resine acriliche, poliuretaniche, copolimeri uretano-acrilici, lacche, leganti proteici, pigmenti, olii, cere, compound

Research & development

Production and logistics


Top coats


Fillers and waxes

Proteic binders

Polyurethan resins

Acrylic resins


Retanning agents

Quality, environment, safety and sustainability

Technical assistance

Sales network

Photo gallery

ICAP Leather Chem KIWA Certified
icap leather chem
CF/PI 00796510154 - via G. Donizetti, 29/31 - 20045 Lainate [MI]
Tel. +39 02.935731 - Fax +39 02.93572466 -
Direzione Centrale | Produzione | Laboratorio | Magazzino
Uffici | Laboratorio | Magazzino
Uffici | Laboratorio | Magazzino